Simpósio sobre Envelhecimento Saudável


Atualização (13/09)

O Simpósio de Envelhecimento Saudável foi um sucesso! O auditório atingiu a capacidade máxima. Tivemos 52 participantes de várias áreas, de dentro e fora da Unicamp.

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No dia 29/08, o CEPID OCRC recebe renomadas cientistas internacionais para um ciclo de dois seminários. O tema de ambos é Envelhecimento Saudável e serão apresentados pelas neurocientistas portuguesas dra. Joana Almeida Palha e dra. Margarida Correia-Neves, do Instituto de Investigação em Ciências da Vida e da Saúde da Universidade do Minho, em Portugal.

O evento será no Auditório do CEPID OCRC – Centro de Pesquisa em Obesidade e Comorbidades, situado no Instituto de Biologia da Unicamp.

  • Às 10:00h, Joana Almeida Palha falará sobre “Brain barriers in health and in disease: dialogues into and out of the brain
The brain barriers (endothelial blood-brain and blood-spinal cord barriers, and epithelial blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier) separate the central nervous system from the blood. While viewed, for long, as mere obstacles for drug delivery into the brain, evidence has mounted to show that they are rather active participants in the cross talk between the brain and the other organs. Recent studies have highlighted their bidirectional role, as signaling into and out of the brain. This presentation will address the choroid plexus as an active participant in the communication between the periphery and the brain, in physiological conditions (including aging), in response to peripheral stimuli such as inflammation and in the context of diseases of the central nervous system including multiple sclerosis and Alzheimer’s disease. This overview will include studies in cultured cells, animal models of disease, in ex vivo human material and in well-established cohorts of healthy humans and in patients with neurodegenerative diseases. Particular emphasis will be given to the findings pertaining the response to inflammation and how immune system-related molecules change with age in health and in disease.
  • Às 11:00h, Margarida Correia-Neves falará sobre “Addressing predictors of healthy aging: the immune system and cognition
The interaction between the immune and the central nervous systems in pathological situations has been extensively studied for long. However, the role of these interactions in the maintenance of health is a more recent concept. Recent data on such interplay led to the current vision that the brain rather than being just an immune privileged organ, enjoys also the privilege of being modulated by the immune system in several functions, namely in cognition. A growing body of evidences associates peripheral T lymphocytes in particular, and the cytokines they produce, with cognitive performance. Work from our group revealed that increased levels of effector memory CD4+ T cells, the main cytokine producers among T cells, are associated with worse cognitive performance in a cohort of individuals older than 55+ years. However, the mechanisms by which T cells, and their cytokines influence the central nervous system altering cognition is not known. To determine how the inter-individual differences in cognitive function at old age correlate with the immune system profile at younger ages, we are performing longitudinal evaluation using the mouse model.


Ambas apresentações serão em português e não há necessidade de inscrição prévia, mas as vagas serão preenchidas por ordem de chegada.

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